
Graphics, web design, marketing


Our hosting offer and web solution implementation services enable our customers to optimise their web presence with high performance and low cost and maintenance charges in a shared web space.

Web Design

The website is an essential digital showcase for your company’s online presence and represents the first point of contact with potential customers and collaborators: a digital business card to communicate professionalism, win trust, build customer loyalty, and offer online services.
A complete and well-maintained website represents an important investment for the growth of one’s business: an attractive design, a clear structure, usable from any type of device, and optimisation for keywords facilitate indexing by search engines, increasing visibility and market penetration.
At SGI we design the implementation of the institutional website or portal integrated with the company’s IT, with B2B or B2C logic. All with the aim of communicating and positioning their products, services and characteristic activities.


Realisation of complete projects related to graphics and web presence, including the creation of the corporate image with homogeneous content between digital and print;

Social media

Today, social media are indispensable for companies. Used strategically and consciously, they not only increase the visibility of a brand, but also foster its growth and success.

By managing them effectively, companies can increase brand awareness, build customer loyalty, attract new market segments, generate qualified contacts and increase sales.

At SGI, we create tailor-made strategies for companies to distinguish their brand in the competitive landscape, positioning it uniquely and effectively.

We develop editorial plans and produce content for publication, including text and graphics, ensuring a constant and consistent social media presence.


At SGI we also manage newsletters, which are essential for maintaining direct and personalised contact with customers.

Newsletters are effective tools to inform, educate and engage audiences by sending targeted content, special offers and updates directly to their inbox.

In offering our solutions, we rely on international telecommunications giants:


OVH Cloud –Dedicated Bare Metal Servers. For some non-core web-based application services we use dedicated servers at OVH. The extraordinary bandwidth and excellent performance of this infrastructure allows us to provide services that can compete with any local network-based programme, adding all the advantages of geographic location independence with a guaranteed uptime of 99.99%, virtually unlimited bandwidth and scalable according to the number of visitors. Whether websites are built with Joomla or with WordPress, through our partner OVH we are able to provide high-performance and secure services in every case and for every need.


Hosting Solutions – Domain registration and DNS management services. In the indispensable presence on the web, it is necessary to be able to count on an international and efficient partner also for domain registration services with adequate DNS management that are geographically redundant and always interconnected. That is why we chose Hosting Solutions, a reliable and powerful Italian partner for the management of our websites, the cloud applications we distribute and our customers’ websites.


Brevo – SaaS solution for relationship marketing. For all websites requiring customer interaction, we use the services offered by Brevo (formerly Sendinblue), a world leader in massmailing technology. The secure and certified sending servers, the sending status notifications that allow detailed tracking of the individual message sent, and the bulk sending capability allow all recipients of the marketing campaigns implemented to be reached safely and securely.

Some of our latest realisations

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